Last updated: 2024-01-04
HSCREATIVE SRL ("Tenue") respects the privacy of its own customers and visitors and undertakes to protect their personal data and information. This Privacy Policy ("Policy") concerns the website (collectively referred to as the "Website").
We declare that we do not collect any kind of data, personally identifiable information at the time of visiting the Website, except in cases where you consent to provide them to us or in cases expressly provided for in this Policy.
These statements describe our general principles regarding the processing of personal data belonging to the Clients of the Website (considered to be buyers of any of the products or services available on the Website) as well as those belonging to the visitors of the Website.
We want to make sure you understand how we will use or not the information you entrust to us.
To understand your own rights, we advise you to read this Policy.
Regarding visitors, Tenue has structured the Website so that, in general, it can be visited without the need for identification or disclosure of any personal information.
The basic information collected is used for traffic analysis, improving the content of the Website and the public perception of it.
Regarding Clients or potential Clients, the data provided by them during the conclusion of the contract or after it, will be used exclusively for the execution of the contract between Tenue and the respective Client, will not be transmitted in any form to third parties and will not be disclosed.
During the visit of the Website, its own server collects basic information that includes the IP address, the time and duration of accessing the site and the pages viewed, none of this traffic data representing identifiable information, except in the case when they are necessary to prevent fraud or abuse of the computer system.
In case you want to contract some of the services or products available on the Website, you will provide Tenue with both identification data and data necessary for billing procedures.
From the moment you become a Tenue Client, we will process the data and information regarding your own hosting accounts as well as the customer logs.
In addition, we will electronically store your own emails and other communications to the extent necessary for the transmission of these communications.
According to the requirements of Law no.677/2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and Law no.506/2004 on the processing of personal data and the protection of private life in the electronic communications sector, Tenue is obliged to administer securely and only for the purposes specified, the personal data that belong to you.
The purpose of collecting data is:
conclusion of the contract, financial-accounting highlighting, invoicing, debt collection, provision of services and/or web domains.
If you opt for the Newsletter, your data will be used for marketing and advertising the products and services offered by Tenue.
You are thus provided with the possibility of providing your personal data, including name, surname, personal identification code, series and number of the identity card, home address, email address, telephone number, these being necessary for the valid conclusion of the online contract in order to benefit from the services offered by Tenue.
Your refusal to provide any of the personal data requested will result in the non-conclusion of the contract and, consequently, the impossibility for you to benefit from the services or products offered on the Website.
Your data will be collected strictly for the conclusion of the online contract and for its execution.
The recorded information is intended for use by Tenue, not being communicated to any third parties, except in cases where they are requested by public authorities for the prevention, investigation and repression of crimes, authorities authorized to verify commercial transactions or other authorities authorized to carry out any justified verifications under the law.
An exception to the above are "Web Domains".
In the case of web domains, it is necessary to transmit personal data to the registrar (e.g. rotld or other international domain registrars) for the registration of the domain.
According to Law no.677/2001, with subsequent amendments and completions, you have the right of access to data, intervention on them, the right of opposition, the right not to be subject to an individual decision and the right to address the judiciary.
a) Right to access data By exercising this right, you will have the possibility of obtaining from Tenue, free of charge, confirmation that your personal data are or are not being processed by Tenue. You also have the possibility of requesting the processed data. Your request will be sent without any specific justification to the email address, but you must specify the physical or electronic mail address where you would like the requested information to be communicated to you.
b) Right to intervention in data
1. Right to rectification You have the right to obtain, without undue delay, the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you. Taking into account the purposes for which the data were processed, you you have the right to obtain the completion of personal data that are incomplete, including by providing a supplementary statement.
2. Right to erasure of data ("right to be forgotten")
(1) You have the right to obtain from us the erasure of personal data concerning you without undue delay, and we are obliged to erase the personal data without undue delay where one of the following reasons applies:
a) the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or processed;
b) you withdraw your consent on the basis of which the processing is based, and there is no other legal basis for the processing;
c) you object to the processing pursuant to Article 21(1) and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing or you object to the processing pursuant to Article 21(2);
d) the personal data have been processed unlawfully;
e) the personal data must be erased for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject under Union law or national law to which the controller is subject;
f) the personal data were collected in connection with the provision of information society services referred to in Article 8(1).
(2) Where the controller has made personal data public and is obliged pursuant to paragraph (1) to erase them, the controller, taking into account available technology and the cost of implementation, shall take reasonable steps, including technical measures, to inform controllers processing the personal data that the data subject has requested erasure by those controllers of any links to those data or of any copy or reproduction of those personal data.
(3) Paragraphs (1) and (2a) shall not apply to the extent that processing is necessary: (
a) for the exercise of the right to freedom of expression and information; (
b) for compliance with a legal obligation which provides for processing under Union or national law to which the controller is subject or for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller;
c) for reasons of public interest in the field of public health, in accordance with Article 9(2)(h) and (i) and Article 9(3);
d) for archiving purposes in the public interest, for scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes, in accordance with Article 89(1), to the extent that the right referred to in paragraph (1) is likely to render impossible or seriously impair the achievement of the objectives of the processing in question; or
e) for the establishment, exercise or defence of a right in court.
3) Right to object You are the legal owner of all data concerning you and helping to identify you and as such you have the right to object, for justified and legitimate reasons, to the data concerning you being the subject of any processing. However, we remind you that the incomplete or inadequate provision of your personal data or the withdrawal of consent to their processing by Tenue will make it impossible to provide you with of Tenue services. However, you will have the right to object, requesting free of charge and without any justification, that your personal data not be processed for direct marketing purposes. In this situation, exercising your right to object will not have any repercussions on the provision of Tenue services, the only inconvenience being that of not finding out in a timely manner about new products offered or the existence of promotions available on the Website.
4) The right not to be subject to an individual decision Any person has the right to request and obtain: - the withdrawal or annulment of any decision that produces legal effects concerning him, adopted exclusively on the basis of a processing of personal data, carried out by automated means, intended to evaluate some aspects of his personality, such as professional competence, credibility, behavior or other such aspects; - the reassessment of any other decision taken concerning him, which significantly affects him, if the decision was adopted exclusively on the basis of a processing of data that meets the conditions set out in the previous paragraph.
5) The right to address the courts and the ANSPDCP Violation by Tenue of any of your rights regarding the collection and processing of personal data, will give you the right to address the National Authority for the Supervision of the Processing of Personal Data in order to defend the rights guaranteed by Law no. 677/2001.
If, as a result of non-compliance with the provisions of Law no. 677/2001, you suffer damage, you will have the opportunity to address the courts in the territorial area where you have your domicile in order to remedy the damage thus caused.
Any of your requests regarding the exercise of any of the rights mentioned above will receive a response from Tenue within a maximum of 15 days from the receipt of a written, dated and signed request sent by you to the Tenue contact address.
Tenue does not offer, sell and does not provide any third party with any of the personal data provided by you during the visits to the Website or upon the conclusion of the online contract.
We will use the contact data provided by you exclusively for the provision of the service to you and for the accounting highlighting of the operations involved.
We will create and maintain other such data such as those related to the hosting account, administration and personalization of the blog as well as the customer logs, to the extent required by the provision of the services.
The home address or email address is an extremely valuable information for both Tenue and Clients, the collection of data connected to it, allowing the timely transmission of information about the hosting account, the personal applications hosted on servers, also making possible the constant information of Clients regarding the new products or services offered or the various promotions available on the Website.
Tenue will provide certain employees (financial department, support, billing, legal) with information and personal data provided by you for the exclusive purpose of providing the services properly. Each of these employees will receive special instructions regarding the processing of your personal data, Tenue assuming responsibility for the way in which its own employees record, store, use this data.
In other circumstances, we will not disclose your personal data, except to the extent that such disclosure will be necessary to identify a certain person, to communicate with that person or to file a complaint against that person in the event of any damage suffered by Tenue, its Clients or other third parties.
We will also disclose such information, personal data, to authorized bodies, in accordance with the applicable laws and international treaties to which Romania is a party, to the extent that there is an obligation to provide them.
Tenue will not disclose to any other third party the entire or partial electronic content of the emails or applications related to your own hosting accounts, except in cases where the disclosure:
(a) is necessary to protect a public interest related to health or national security;
(b) is requested by authorized bodies and institutions;
(c) is necessary to prevent and combat crimes. Tenue also declares that it will not censor, edit, modify, delete or monitor the information, data stored on its own servers made available to Clients through the services offered on the Website.
Tenue will not block access to any communication between the Client and any third party.
The basis on which it could take such actions would be the breach of contractual obligations by the Client, as well as the circumstances of any other damages or legislative impositions.
This Privacy Policy is an integral part of the contract you are about to conclude online with Tenue.
Your offer to contract declared by accepting the terms and conditions of the contract also means that you have taken note of the content of the Privacy Policy, consenting at the same time, to the processing of personal data with the specifications mentioned above.
The Website uses cookies to improve the user experience.
If you do not want to accept cookies, please log out of the Website.
If you do not agree to the use of cookies, please do not use the Website.
Last updated: 2024-01-04
HSCREATIVE SRL ("Tenue") respecta confidentialitatea propriilor clienti si vizitatori si se obliga sa protejeze datele si informatiile personale ale acestora.
Prezenta Politica de Confidentialitate ("Politica") are in vedere website-ul (denumite in mod colectiv "Website").
Declaram ca nu colectam nici un fel de date, informatii personale identificabile in momentul vizitarii Website-ului, cu exceptia situatiilor in care dumneavoastra consimtiti sa ni le furnizati sau in cazurile expres prevazute de prezenta Politica.
Prezentele declaratii descriu principiile noastre generale in ceea ce priveste prelucrarea datelor personale apartinand Clientilor Website-ului (considerati a fi cumparatori ai oricarora dintre produsele sau serviciile disponibile pe Website) precum si cele apartinand vizitatorilor Website-ului.
Vrem sa ne asiguram ca intelegeti modalitatile in care vom folosi sau nu informatiile pe care ni le incredintati.
Pentru a intelege propriile dumnevoastra drepturi, va sfatuim sa cititi prezenta Politica.
In ceea ce priveste vizitatorii, Tenue a structurat Website-ul astfel incat, in general, sa poata fi vizitat fara sa fie nevoie de identificarea sau dezvaluirea niciunei informatii personale.
Informatiile de baza colectate sunt folosite pentru analiza traficului, imbunatatirea continutului Website-ului si a perceptiei publice vizavi de acesta.
In ceea ce priveste Clientii sau posibilii Clienti, datele furnizate de acestia pe parcursul incheierii contractului sau ulterior acestuia, vor fi folosite exclusiv in vederea executarii contractului dintre Tenue si respectivul Client, nu vor fi transmise sub nicio forma catre terte persoane si nici nu vor face obiectul vreunei dezvaluiri.
Pe perioada vizitarii Website-ului, propriul server colecteaza informatii de baza care includ adresa IP, timpul si durata accesarii site-ului si paginile vizualizate, nici una dintre aceste date de trafic nereprezentand informatii identificabile, cu exceptia cazului cand acestea sunt necesare preveniri unei fraude sau al unui abuz asupra sistemului informatic.
In cazul in care vreti sa contractati unele dintre serviciile sau produsele disponibile pe Website, veti pune la dispozitia Tenue atat date de identificare cat si date necesare indeplinirii procedurilor de facturare.
Din momentul in care veti deveni Client Tenue, vom prelucra datele si informatiile referitoare la propriile dvs. conturi de hosting cat si inregistrarile de client (customer logs).
In completare, vom stoca electronic propriile dvs. email-uri si alte comunicatii in masura in care va fi necesar pentru trasmiterea acestor comunicari.
Conform cerintelor Legii nr.677/2001 pentru protectia persoanelor cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si libera circulatie a acestor date si ale Legii nr.506/2004 privind prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si protectia vietii private in sectorul comunicatiilor electronice, Tenue are obligatia de a administra in conditii de siguranta si numai pentru scopurile specificate, datele personale care va apartin.
Scopul colectarii datelor este:
incheierea contractului, evidentierea financiar-contabila, emiterea facturilor, colectarea debitelor, furnizarea serviciilor si/sau a domeniilor web.
In cazul in care optati pentru Newsletter, datele dumneavoastra vor fi folosite si pentru marketing-ul si publicitatea produselor si a serviciilor oferite de catre Tenue.
Va este pusa in acest mod, la dispozitia dvs, posibilitatea de a furniza datele dvs. personale, incluzand nume, prenume, cod numeric personal, serie si numar de buletin, adresa de domiciliu, adresa de e-mail, numar de telefon, acestea fiind necesare incheierii in mod valabil a contractului online pentru a beneficia de serviciile puse la dispozitie de Tenue.
Refuzul dvs. de a furniza oricare din datele personale solicitate va determina neincheierea contractului si, pe cale de consecinta, imposibilitatea pentru dvs. de a beneficia de serviciile sau produsele ofertate pe Website.
Datele dvs. vor fi colectate strict pentru incheierea contractului online si pentru derularea acestuia.
Informatiile inregistrate sunt destinate utilizarii de catre Tenue, nefiind comunicate niciunei terte persoane, cu exceptia cazului in care acestea sunt solicitate de autoritati publice pentru prevenirea, cercetarea si reprimarea infractiunilor, autoritati in drept cu scopul verificarii tranzactiilor comerciale sau altor autoritati in drept pentru efectuarea oricaror verificari justificate in baza legii.
Exceptie la cele mentionate mai sus o fac "Domeniile Web".
In cazul domeniilor web este necesara transmiterea datelor personale catre registrar (ex. rotld sau alti registrari de domenii internationale) pentru inregistrarea domeniului.
Potrivit Legii nr.677/2001, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare, beneficiati de dreptul de acces la date, de interventie asupra acesupra acestora, dreptul de opozitie, dreptul de a nu fi supus unei decizii individuale si dreptul de a va adresa justitiei.
a) Dreptul de acces la date Prin exercitarea acestui drept, veti avea posibilitatea obtinerii in mod gratuit de la Tenue a confirmarii faptului ca datele dvs. personale sunt sau nu sunt prelucrate de Tenue. De asemenea aveti posibilitatea sa cereti datele prelucrate. Cererea dvs. va fi transmisa fara vreo justificare anume la adresa de email, trebuind insa precizata adresa fizica sau de posta electronica unde veti dori a va fi comunicate informatiile solicitate.
b) Dreptul de interventie asupra datelor
1. Dreptul la rectificare Aveti dreptul de a obţine, fără întârzieri nejustificate, rectificarea datelor cu caracter personal inexacte care va privesc. Ţinându-se seama de scopurile în care au fost prelucrate datele, dvs. aveti dreptul de a obţine completarea datelor cu caracter personal care sunt incomplete, inclusiv prin furnizarea unei declaraţii suplimentare.
2. Dreptul la ştergerea datelor ("dreptul de a fi uitat")
(1) Aveti dreptul de a obţine din partea noastra ştergerea datelor cu caracter personal care va privesc, fără întârzieri nejustificate, iar noi avem obligaţia de a şterge datele cu caracter personal fără întârzieri nejustificate în cazul în care se aplică unul dintre următoarele motive:
a) datele cu caracter personal nu mai sunt necesare pentru îndeplinirea scopurilor pentru care au fost colectate sau prelucrate;
b) dvs. va retrageti consimţământul pe baza căruia are loc prelucrarea, şi nu există niciun alt temei juridic pentru prelucrare;
c) dvs. va opuneti prelucrării în temeiul articolului 21 alineatul (1) şi nu există motive legitime care să prevaleze în ceea ce priveşte prelucrarea sau dvs. va opuneti prelucrării în temeiul articolului 21 alineatul (2);
d) datele cu caracter personal au fost prelucrate ilegal;
e) datele cu caracter personal trebuie şterse pentru respectarea unei obligaţii legale care revine operatorului în temeiul dreptului Uniunii sau al dreptului intern sub incidenţa căruia se află operatorul;
f) datele cu caracter personal au fost colectate în legătură cu oferirea de servicii ale societăţii informaţionale menţionate la articolul 8 alineatul (1).
(2) În cazul în care operatorul a făcut publice datele cu caracter personal şi este obligat, în temeiul alineatului (1), să le şteargă, operatorul, ţinând seama de tehnologia disponibilă şi de costul implementării, ia măsuri rezonabile, inclusiv măsuri tehnice, pentru a informa operatorii care prelucrează datele cu caracter personal că persoana vizată a solicitat ştergerea de către aceşti operatori a oricăror linkuri către datele respective sau a oricăror copii sau reproduceri ale acestor date cu caracter personal.
(3) Alineatele (1) şi (2a) nu se aplică în măsura în care prelucrarea este necesară:
a) pentru exercitarea dreptului la liberă exprimare şi la informare;
b) pentru respectarea unei obligaţii legale care prevede prelucrarea în temeiul dreptului Uniunii sau al dreptului intern care se aplică operatorului sau pentru îndeplinirea unei sarcini executate în interes public sau în cadrul exercitării unei autorităţi oficiale cu care este învestit operatorul;
c) din motive de interes public în domeniul sănătăţii publice, în conformitate cu articolul9 alineatul (2) literele (h) şi (i) şi cu articolul 9 alineatul (3);
d) în scopuri de arhivare în interes public, în scopuri de cercetare ştiinţifică sau istorică ori în scopuri statistice, în conformitate cu articolul 89 alineatul (1), în măsura în care dreptul menţionat la alineatul (1) este susceptibil să facă imposibilă sau să afecteze în mod grav realizarea obiectivelor prelucrării respective; sau
e) pentru constatarea, exercitarea sau apărarea unui drept în instanţă.
3) Dreptul de opozitie Sunteti proprietar de drept al tuturor datelor care va privesc si ajuta la identificarea dvs. si in aceasta calitate aveti dreptul de a va opune, din motive intemeiate si legitime, ca datele care va vizeaza sa faca obiectul vreunei prelucrari. Cu toate acestea, va amintim ca, furnizarea incompleta sau necorespunzatoare a datelor personale ce va apartin ori retragerea incuviintarii prelucrarii acestora de catre Tenue, va face imposibila furnizarea catre dvs. a serviciilor Tenue. Veti avea insa dreptul de a va opune, solicitand in mod gratuit si fara vreo justificare, ca datele dvs. personale sa nu fie prelucrate in scop de marketing direct. In aceasta situatie, exercitarea dreptului dvs. de opozitie nu va avea nicio repercursiune asupra furnizarii serviciilor Tenue, singurul inconvenient fiind acela de a nu afla in timp util de noile produse oferite sau de existenta promotiilor disponibile pe Website.
4) Dreptul de a nu fi supus unei decizii individuale Orice persoana are dreptul de a solicita si de a obtine: - retragerea sau anularea oricarei decizii care produce efecte juridice in privinta sa, adoptata exclusiv pe baza unei prelucrari de date cu caracter personal, efectuata prin mijloace automate, destinata sa evalueze unele aspecte ale personalitatii sale, precum competenta profesionala, credibilitatea, comportamentul sau ori alte asemenea aspecte; - reevaluarea oricarei alte decizii luate in privinta sa, care o afecteaza in mod semnificativ, daca decizia a fost adoptata exclusiv pe baza unei prelucrari de date care intruneste conditiile prevazute la paragraful anterior.
5) Dreptul de a va adresa justitiei si ANSPDCP Incalcarea de catre Tenue a oricarora dintre drepturile dvs. cu privire la colectarea si prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal, va da dreptul de a va adresa Autoritatii Nationale pentru Supravegherea Prelucrarii Datelor cu Caracter Personal in scopul apararii drepturilor garantate prin Legea nr.677/2001.
In cazul in care, ca urmare a neconformarii cu prevederile Legii nr.677/2001, veti suferi un prejudiciu, veti avea posibilitatea de a va adresa instantelor judecatoresti din raza teritoriala in care aveti domiciliul in vederea remedierii pagubei astfel produse.
Oricare dintre solicitarile dvs. cu privire la exercitarea vreunuia dintre drepturile mentionate mai sus, va primi raspuns din partea Tenue in maxim 15 zile de la primirea unei cereri scrise, datate si semnate transmisa de catre dvs. la adresa de contact Tenue.
Tenue nu ofera, vinde si nu furnizeaza niciunei terte persoane vreuna dintre datele personale furnizate de catre dvs. pe parcursul vizitelor Website-ului sau odata cu incheierea contractului online.
Vom folosi datele de contact furnizate de dvs. cu scopul exclusiv al furnizarii serviciului catre dvs si pentru evidentierea din punct de vedere contabil a operatiunilor implicate.
Vom creea si mentine alte asemenea date precum cele aferente contului de hosting, de administrare si personalizare blog precum si inregistrarile de client (customer logs), in masura ceruta de furnizarea serviciilor.
Adresa de domiciliu sau adresa de posta electronica reprezinta o informatie extrem de valoroasa atit pentru Tenue cat si pentru Clienti, colectarea datelor conexate acesteia, permitand transmiterea in timp util a informatiilor cu privire la contul de hosting, la aplicatiile personale gazduite pe servere, facand totodata posibila informarea constanta a Clientilor in ceea ce priveste noile produse sau servicii oferite ori diferitele promotii disponibile pe Website.
Tenue va pune la dispozitia anumitor angajati (departamentul financiar, support, billing, juridic) informatii si date personale furnizate de dvs. in scopul exclusiv de furnizare corespunzatoare a serviciilor. Fiecare dintre acesti angajati va primi instructiuni speciale in ceea ce priveste prelucrarea propriilor dvs. date personale, Tenue asumandu-si raspunderea in ceea ce priveste modalitatea in care proprii angajati inregistreaza, stocheaza, utilizeaza aceste date.
In alte circumstante nu vom dezvalui propriile dvs. date personale, decat in masura in care, aceasta dezvaluire va fi necesara pentru a identifica o anumita persoana, a comunica cu aceasta sau a inainta o plangere impotriva acesteia in cazul oricarui prejudiciu suferit de Tenue, Clientii acestuia sau alte terte persoane.
Vom dezvalui, de asemenea, astfel de informatii, date personale, oricaror organisme abilitate, in concordanta cu legile aplicabile si tratatele internationale la care Romania este parte, in masura in care exista o obligatie de furnizare a acestora.
Tenue nu va dezvalui niciunei alte terte persoane parti sau intreg continutul electronic al e-mailurilor sau aplicatiilor aferente propriilor dvs. conturi de hosting, cu exceptia situatiilor in care dezvaluirea:
(a) este necesara protejarii unui interes public ce vizeaza sanatatea sau siguranta nationala;
(b) este solicitata de organisme si institutii abilitate;
(c) este necesara in vederea prevenirii si combaterii unor infractiuni. Tenue declara de asemenea ca nu va proceda la nicio cenzura, editare, modificare, stergere sau monitorizare a informatiilor, datelor stocate pe serverele proprii puse la dispozitia Clientilor prin intermediul serviciilor ofertate pe Website.
Tenue nu va bloca accesul niciunei comunicari dintre Client si oricare terta persoana.
Temeiul in virtutea caruia ar putea lua astfel de actiuni ar fi incalcarea obligatiilor contractuale de catre Client, cat si circumstantele oricaror altor prejudicii ori impuneri legislative.
Prezenta Politica de Confidentialitate face parte integranta din contractul pe care urmeaza sa il incheiati online cu Tenue.
Oferta dvs. de contractare declarata prin acceptarea termenilor si conditiilor de contractare inseamna inclusiv faptul ca ati luat la cunostinta de continutul Politicii de Confidentialitate, consimtind in acelasi timp, asupra prelucrarii datelor cu caracter personal cu specificatiile precizate mai sus.
Website-ul foloseste cookies pentru a imbunatati experienta utilizatorilor.
In cazul in care nu doriti sa acceptati cookies, va rugam sa va deconectati de pe Website.
In cazul in care nu sunteti de acord cu utilizarea cookies, va rugam sa nu folositi Website-ul.